Thursday, January 13, 2011


Woah, CD 10 snuck up on me for sure. Luckily I have been preoccupied with so many other things this week. Lots of reading, lots of studying (not for school, but religious paraphernalia) lots of everything.

We have an almost 4 day weekend coming up! We got a surprise day off tomorrow - never happens - because most of our kids will be out of town, and the ones that are in town are sick. Not that sick is a good thing, but I get an extra day off! We have MLK day of too. Though we promised a long-time client of ours that we would watch their son this Saturday from 3-6:30. No big.

I am feeling good today! An almost facebook-less week, until today I hadn't logged on to BBC, and I left all of my ttc groups. It's a lot of pressure being a part of them.

That's all for now.

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